
Where our community turns to, for children in challenging family situations.

T3 brings tutors and big brothers to children from complex family situations going through a difficult period.

A few times a week, depending on the situation, the tutor arrives at the boy’s house or local shul to Learn with him, spend time with him, and give him the academic help that he needs.

Like a big brother, he connects, takes him on fun outings, and gives him the attention that he is Lacking.

Rabbi Binyamin Haddad


“Children from regular families are struggling, all the more so children from a challenging home. It is vital to provide them with the assistance they need to keep up in school.“

Rabbi David Ozeri

“I have seen how the T3 program truly helped uplift many downtrodden families. Please open your hearts and support this important organization that brings a smile to so many children.”

Rabbi Yosef Ozeri

“T3 gives children who are challenged due to a hard situation, the opportunity to thrive and succeed in the future.”

Rabbi Meyer Yedid

“The T3 program has a tremendous outreaching effect on families that are in need of our help. It is a truly worthy organization to support.”

We currently help boys from the following schools in our community:




We speak to the boy’s parents and teachers /Rebbis to make sure we know everything about him: his nature, his struggles, and his strengths. This way we know what to focus on.


We pair him up with a tutor who matches his personality type and specific needs.


The tutor comes to the home or nearby Shul at the prearranged time to learn, connect, and have fun.


We schedule frequent check-ins to make sure that the child is happy and showing signs of improvement.

While Rabbi Binyamin Haddad was spending time in hospitals visiting the sick, bringing them food, and cheering patients up, he noticed a pattern. As the parents were rightfully preoccupied with their challenge, the children were lacking the attention they desperately needed, and were falling behind academically and socially. Something needed to be done! Rabbi Haddad began pairing suitable tutors and big brothers with these children, to lift their spirits, keep them academically up to par and to provide the attention they so desparately needed.

T3 was born.

Realizing its mission, T3 started to connect with parents, principals and teachers involved with children in challenging family situations, and has expanded to become our community central organization for such children, all done behind the scenes keeping the family’s dignity in mind.

*T3 does not claim to take the place of counseling or therapy.

Assisting Joey:

His parents separated. Confused and hurt, Joey retreated within himself. He found it harder to concentrate in school and his grades slipped terribly. His father was no longer at home in the evenings to help him learn Mishnayot, and his overwhelmed mother had no idea how to assist him even with basic homework. Joey was assigned a T3 tutor who began coming to the house to help him get his schoolwork back on track. Now Joey is not only back to his old level, but surpassing himself. He never misses a day of school now. He is learning beautifully and eagerly anticipates each session of study with his T3 tutor.

A word from Joey’s mother:

Joey was an A student, but because of our family situation,his grades began to decline terribly. I didn’t know anything about learning Mishnayot and couldn’t help him with basic homework. I was losing sleep worrying that he was failing school. T3 sent an unbelievably kind tutor, and it made all the difference to Joey’s grades and his mood. He’s doing so well now I can’t believe it–even better than before!

A word from Joey’s mother:

Joey was an A student, but because of our family situation,his grades began to decline terribly. I didn’t know anythingabout learning Mishnayot and couldn’t help him with basichomework. I was losing sleep worrying that he was failingschool. T3 sent an unbelievably kind tutor, and it made allthe difference to Joey’s grades and his mood. He’s doingso well now I can’t believe it–even better than before!

Assisting Joey:

His parents separated. Confused and hurt, Joey retreated within himself. He found it harder to concentrate in school and his grades slipped terribly. His father was no longer at home in the evenings to help him learn Mishnayot, and his overwhelmed mother had no idea how to assist him even with basic homework. Joey was assigned a T3 tutor who began coming to the house to help him get his schoolwork back on track. Now Joey is not only back to his old level, but surpassing himself. He never misses a day of school now. He is learning beautifully and eagerly anticipates each session of study with his T3 tutor.

A word from Joey’s mother:

Joey was an A student, but because of our family situation,his grades began to decline terribly. I didn’t know anythingabout learning Mishnayot and couldn’t help him with basichomework. I was losing sleep worrying that he was failingschool. T3 sent an unbelievably kind tutor, and it made allthe difference to Joey’s grades and his mood. He’s doingso well now I can’t believe it–even better than before!

Doting on David:

After his mother’s relapse with cancer, David withdrew into himself. It was too much for his small heart to bear. Once, twice- how much more could he endure? In his vulnerable state, David became an easy target for bullying, causing him to spiral further into his private world of sadness. T3 stepped in with a strong direction and an even stronger connection. Trips to the ice cream store, enjoyable study sessions, and old-fashioned fun with a caring “big brother” cracked David’s shell of sadness. Finally his smile returned.

A word from David’s mother:

In my physically weakened state, I really couldn’t give David what he needed. I watched him shrivel, powerless to help him.

T3 was an angel from heaven!

The old David is back, and I feel so much better knowing that he’s getting lots of much-needed attention.



Other ways to donate:

Check, made out to

Keren Lev David

Mail to:

1668 East 3rd Street, Brooklyn NY, 11230

For more information please reach out to:

Rabbi Binyamin Haddad

or Judah Haddad